Dada approximatif
par Henri Béhar, le 10 novembre 2016
PUBLICATIONS DIVERSES« Dada approximatif », Colloque International « Dda 100 fois », Moscou, 10-11 novembre 2016, Musée d’Etat V.V. Maïakovski, Institut de Littérature Mondiale M. Gorki…
Membre du Comité organisateur, Elena Galtsova (voir sur cette même page : 2005_Image de Moscou) m’a fait part de l’intention des artistes et chercheurs moscovites de célébrer le centenaire de Dada. C’est ainsi que je reçus l’invitation reproduite ci-après. Outre le voume Dada, histoire d’une subversion, rédigé avec Michel Carassou, publié en 2005 aux éditions Fayard, et mes nombreux articles sur le sujet, je m’intéressais à la présence de Dada à Moscou, et notamment au langage aoum, depuis cinquante ans, puisque je m’en étais mainte fois entretenu avec Benjamin Goriély (1898-1986), essayiste et poète lui-même, auteur de : Les Poètes dans la révolution russe (Gallimard, 1934), le premier ouvrage français rendant compte avec comprtéhension et précision de l’activité poétique au temps de la révolution bolchevique. Je lui avais d’ailleurs fait place dans le premier numéro de la revue d’étude sur le mouvement Dada en 1964. J’ai donc participé avec beaucoup d’intérêt à cet importante rencontre internationale, où j’ai pu mesurer l’intérêt que les chercheurs russes portaient à leur passé poétique, en particulier dans une curieuse salle, d’architecture intérieure toute moderne, du « Centre Juif de la Tolérance » (sic), tout en profitant de la visite approfondie des œuvres d’avant-garde à la Galerie Tretiakov. À noter que les interventions prononcées au cours de ce colloque n’ont pas été publiées à ce jour.

Programme original du colloque, en russe
Programme en anglais (format compacté):
The Moscow Department of Culture
The State Museum of V.V. Mayakovskii
The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The International Academy of Zaum
International Conference
« 100 times DADA »
10-12 November 2016
with the participation of
The Center of Avant-garde of Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Alexander Scriabin Memorial Museum
The French-Russian studies center
with the assistance of
organizing committee
S. Birukov, E. Galtsova, K. Dudakov-Kashuro, D. Karpov, A. Lobov, V. Polonski, N. Sipovskaya, V. Terekhina
November, 10
The Center of Avant-garde of Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
(Obraztsova St., 11, build. 1A)
10:00–10:30 Inscription
10:30–11:00 Official opening
11:00–13:00 Morning meeting
14:00–18:00 Afternoon meeting
«Co-Sounding»Performance by Sergei Birukov and Sergei Letov for 100th Anniversary of DADA movement
November, 11
State Institute for Art Studies
(Kozitsky pereulok, 5)
10:00–13:00 Morning meeting
14:00–18:00 Afternoon meeting
Alexander Scriabin Memorial Museum
(Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Pereulok, 11)
«Time is running»
Vladimir Tarasov – percussion
Larry Ochs – saxophones
Mark Dresser – contrabass
Lev Rubinstein – poet
November, 12
State Institute for Art Studies
(Kozitsky pereulok, 5)
10:00–12:40 Morning meeting
13:20–16:20 Afternoon meeting
Projection of the documentary film
«Valentin Parnakh: not here and not now» (2011)
November, 10
The Center of Avant-garde of Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
(Obraztsova St., 11, build. 1A)
10:00–10:30 Inscription
10:30–11:00 Official opening
Aleksey Lobov – director of The State Museum of V.V. Mayakovskii
Natalya Sipovskaya – director of the State Institute for Art Studies
Vadim Polonsky – director of the The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Andrey Sarabyanov – curator of the The Center of Avant-garde of Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
11:00–14:00 Morning meeting
Moderator : Elena Galtsova
Henri Béhar
Paris III University – Nouvelle Sorbonne (Paris, France)
DADA. Approximation («Dada approximatif»)
Nina Getashvili
The Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Moscow, Russia)
Dada. The Museumification of Radicalism.
11:40–11:50 Q & A
11:50–12:20 Coffee Break
Anastasia Boie
Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)
Question of expression of an anti-aesthetics of dadaism and its classification.
Günter Berghaus
University of Bristol (Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain)
Futurist Roots in Zurich Dada
13:00–13:10 Q & A
13:10–14:00 Pause
14:00–18:00 Afternoon meeting
Moderator : Konstantin Dudakov-Kashuro
Galina Antipova
The State Museum of V.V. Mayakovskii (Moscow, Russia)
Catherine Boschian-Campaner
The University of Lorraine (Metz, France)
Cocteau and Dada : connection-lightning (Cocteau et Dada, une liaison-éclair)
Elena Galtsova
The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
The poetic training in “Seven Dada manifestos” by Tristan Tzara
Olga Korzinova
National Research Institute “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia)
The Secret Life of Salvador Dali and Marcel Duchamp
15:20–15:40 Q& A
15:40–16:00 Coffee break
Mikhail Karasik
Artist (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
DADA – between the Constructivism and DADA : video-presentation
Elena Yushkova
Independent researcher (Vologda, Russia)
Isadora Duncan’s ‘Free’ Dance and Dada Art
David Bernstein
The museum-reserve Tsaritsyno (Moscow, Russia)
For the poetics of the transgression : Hans Arp
Andrei Rossomakhin
European University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Once more about the Duchamp’s “Fountain”: authorship and problems of interpretation
Yuliana Kaminskaya
Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Hugo Ball and his “Krippenspiel”. Hundred years ago – hundred years in future
Elena Rimshina
The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia)
Da-da and No-No in the Russian posters of the 2000’s
18:00-18.20 Q & A
«Co-Sounding»Performance by Sergei Birukov and Sergei Letov for 100th Anniversary of DADA movement
Poetry by Velimir Khlebnikov, Vasily Kamensky, Aleksey Kruchenykh, Vladimir Mayakovsky,
Aleksandr Tufanov, Hugo Ball, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara, Sergei Birukov
Sergei Letov – free jazz musician
(saxophone, flute, electronic instruments)
Sergei Birukov – poet
(recitation, voice)
November, 11
State Institute for Art Studies
(Kozitsky pereulok, 5)
Morning meeting
Moderator : Sergei Birukov
Vadim Maksimov
Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Theatricality of dadaism and dada theatre.
Natalya Sidorova
Independent Researcher (Moscow, Russia)
The construction of a form and its communicative meaning in the Kurt Schwitters works
Régis Gayraud
The Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Mikhail Larionov and DADA in Paris
11:00–11:20 Q & A
11:20–11:40 Coffee break
Olga Sokolova
The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Galina Shikina
Glinka Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatoire (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Dada and its musical heritage
Konstantin Dudakov-Kashuro
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
Constructivism in the theory and the practice of Raoul Hausmann
12:40–13:00 Q & A
13:00–14:00 Pause
Afternoon meeting
Moderator : Andrei Rossomakhin
Sergei Birukov
Martin Luther University (Halle, Germany)
DADA forever. Russian DADA precedence and following reception
Tomáš Glanc
University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland)
Early Russian reception of Dadaism. Presentation of the new anthology of texts from 1920s focused on this topi
Vera Terekhina
The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Olga Rozanova poetry as a phenomenon of proto-Dadaism
Gabriella Elina Imposti
University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Khlebnikov Dadaist
15:20–15:40 Q & A
15:40–16:00 Coffee break
Aleksandr Parnis
Russian Centre PEN International (Moscow, Russia)
Preliminaries to the theme “Khlebnikov and Dadaism”
Evgenya Inshakova
The State Museum of V.V. Mayakovskii (Moscow, Russia)
Boris Zemenkov. Poet, artist, historian
Petr Kazarnovsky
Independent researcher (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Sergei Sharshun in DADA and Dadaism
Alexei Kurbanovsky
The State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Collage, Dadaism and Russian Formalism
Gudrun Lehmann
Artist (Düsseldorf, Germany)
DADA Berlin and the influences of Russian avant-garde
Yuri Orlizky Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia) Rhythmic Features of Russian Dada Prose (Zdanevich and Sharshun). 18:00-18:20 Q & A 19:30 Alexander Scriabin Memorial Museum (Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Pereulok, 11) Performance «Time is running» Vladimir Tarasov – percussion Larry Ochs – saxophones Mark Dresser – contrabass Lev Rubinstein – poet November, 12 Saturday State Institute for Art Studies (Kozitsky pereulok, 5) 10:00-12:40 Morning meeting Moderator : Alexei Kurbanovsky Evgeny Arenzon The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) Delayed DADA (For the OBERIU History) Margarita Masterkova-Tupitsyn Independent researcher, Curator (New York, USA) Dada on Miasnitskaia Street Natalya Zlidneva The Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) Document in the paintings of the 20’s: problem of the (non)established surrealism 11:00–11:20 Q & A 11:20–11:40 Coffee break Aleksandr Yakimovich The Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Russia) A Criminal Outrageous in Art and Literature. About Russian Parallels to Dadaism Tatiana Nikolskaya The Library of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia) DADA-elements in the circles of Leningrad bohemia during the Soviet “Thaw” (“philological school”, “arsehole movement »)
12:20-12:40 Q & A 12:40-13:20 Pause 13:20-16:00 Afternoon meeting Moderator : Natalya Zlidneva Frédéric Tachou Pantheon-Sorbonne University – Paris I (Paris, France) DADA in the actual experimental cinema Viktor Agamov-Tupitsyn Critic, theorist of art (New York, USA) Dada and the Aesthetics of the Funeral Mikhail Busev The State Institute for Art Studies (Moscow, Russia) DADA Heritage and Movement of “New Realism” in France 14:20–14:40 Q & A 14:40–15:00 Coffee break Tatiana Malova The Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Russia) Dada's «Deus ex machina»: «Meca-dictionnaire» by Erro Margarita Balakireva The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) DADA and Neo-DADA: reconstruction of the collective memory Anton Ponarovsky V. Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute (Moscow, Russia) DADA's new rethorizm 16:00–16:20 Q & A 16:30 Projection of the documentary film «Valentin Parnakh: not here and not now» (2011) Scenario, offscreen text, cut, animation, operator, producer, stage director : Mikhail Basov Composer : Roman Stolyar Duration : 45 min 2011 Time limit – 20 min.
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